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Staying Young
Aging is a natural process; your body cells age no matter what health practices you follow. However, to a considerable extent, you can determine how quickly you age throughout your adult years. Nutrition-wise, how you act now plays a vital role in how your health is affected in later years.Successful aging is a result of wise choices; whether you age quickly or slowly, you do have a say in the matter.
The best way to promote your health and prevent chronic diseases in the future is to observe the following guide lines:
Eat a balanced diet. A varied diet consisting of the various food groups helps avoid excess weight gain or obesity. The food pyramind is the ideal guideline to show you which food groups to eat the most and which ones to keep at minimum. Eat in moderate portions and try minimising high saturated fats; also be careful with food supplements.
Drink plenty of fluids. Drinking at least six to eight glasses of water keeps your body hydrated, your skin fresh and your kidneys healthy. Minimise your soft drink intake as carbonated drinks are not very healthy and leach your body of water and essential minerals while packaged juices often contain more sugar than actual fruit content.
Stay active. Exercising makes the body secrete ” happy” hormones that make you feel fresh, energised and ready to combat the stresses of daily life with a new vigour. Walking, jogging, aerobics and regular bouts in the gym keep your body trim, make you look and feel younger and promote general well being. If, however, you have bone and joint problems, the ideal exercise would be to swim or do yoga. Regular exercise along with a balanced diet is known to delay the onset of diabetes, heart disease and helps regulate blood pressure.
A minimum of 30 minutes of brisk exercise is recommended daily.
Meditate. A bit of meditation daily helps keep the mind and body alert. Meditation is known to help people with depression. Also, keeping your mind active by doing cross-word puzzles and the like is believed to prevent, or at least delay, Alzheimer’s disease. De-stressing in any form is a must.
Quit smoking.
Easier said than done, but giving up smoking can help you on several levels. A part from being at high risk for cancer, smokers are known to age prematurely, have bad skin and nails and are known to fall ill more often than non-smokers.
Smoking kills appetite and is a leading cause of malnutrition and anorexia in the younger generation.
Get some sleep. No matter how many hours you try sleeping in the morning, it won’t make up for the time lost at night. A minimum of six hours of sound sleep at night is essential for maintaining good health. Fix a time when you should go to bed and try sticking to it. Do not watch television or do anything that would stimulate your brain before going to sleep. Also, try drinking a cup of warm milk before going to bed. Warm milk contains serotonin which helps induce sleep.
Pamper yourself.
Daily skin regimens such as cleansing, toning and moisturising, appplying hair masks will pay off in the long run. Regular manicures and pedicures leave your nails looking and feeling healthier. Take an interest in what you see in the mirror, start using anti-aging creams by the time you hit your 30s. Apply sunscreen when you step out of the house, keep your hair and skin sheltered from the sun to avoid the harmful effects of UV rays. Always wear sun glasses to protect your eyes from the glare.
Consult a healthcare professional on a regular basis.
Early diagnosis is often the key to preventing and controlling many diseases. Taking responsibility for ourselves is the key to achieving long term health benefits. Focussing on fitness and disease prevention does not guarantee a long life as heredity, accidents and other things are out of our control, but you would probably live a healthier, more productive life.
In addition to this, there are several foods that help prevent the damaging effects of aging:
Raw nuts, seeds, soaked and aprouted grains.
* Almonds, especially if they have been soaked in water for 24 hours
* Green leafy vegetables.
* Lentils
* Beans that have been soaked for eight hours. This makes them alkaline
* Brown rice that has been soaked for clsoe to 24 hours.
* Organic cottage cheese and yoghurt.
* Seeds ( sunflower, flax, watermelon, etc.)
* Celtic sea salt
* Spirulina ( blue-green algae )
* Seaweed
* Wheatgrass juice
* Barley greens
* Aloe vera
* Antioxidants ( e.g vitamins C and E )
* Olive oil
* Evening primrose oil
* Foods with omega 3 fatty acids ( e.g. flaxseed oil )
* Foods with omega 4 and 5 fatty acids ( e.g. evening primrose and fish oil ).
* Gentle sunlight ( vitamin D )
* Prunes, raisins, blueberries, blackberries, kale, strawberries, spinach and raspberries.
Foods that cause degeneration and aging:
* High levels of carbohydrate
* Sugar
* Caffeine. This includes tea, coffee, chocolate and cola
* White Flour
* Microwave sweeteners
* Processed foods
* Artificial colourings
* Monosodium glutamate ( MSG )
* Preserved meat
* Meat from animals on unnatural diets ( e.g. cattle bred for the burger industry )
* Margarine
* Olestra ( chemical fat substitute )
* Hydrogenated oils
* Oil that is not cold pressed / expeller pressed ( use olive oil, butter or ghee )
* Deep fried foods
* Puffed grains
* Aluminium, especially from aluminium cookware.
* Genetically Modified Food ( GMOs)
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